Thursday, September 27, 2007

Skidegate's Potlatch Hindi Kharma: Betty K, Kafka's Trial adjourned on Eagle's Motions

Skidegate's Potlatch Hindi Kharma: Betty K, Kafka's Trial adjourned on Eagle's Motions

Betty K, Kafka's Trial adjourned on Eagle's Motions

Skidegate is there when Kafka's K emerges from prison still Betty K, who skidegate Potlach renamed and entitled, WALTZES WITH, as skidegate invited the beautiful 10x8, or 8x10 year-old Eagle warrior with talons, to earn this Haida Title by learning all the ways it can be said on the Planet, by 8.8.8, and saying them in Skidegate's Potlatch at Skidegate's City, Vancouver as the city then was, in 2010, date to be confirmed. Howa B.

Let the Words Dance Jaata, you have the floor.

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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Monday, September 17, 2007



Preamble Skidegate’s Family and Clans own the world. Potlatch memorializes the Titles of ownership of the global ecology. The ecology of ownership is expressed by domicile, utility, and order. Order is defined as the form and process of Human life within laws that are shared in common. This Constitution acknowledges Section 35 of Canada Act 1982, and the right to land and shelter is guaranteed on Aboriginal Title; the right to claim domicile is common. Utility is the product of an agreement between the right of the owner to her own use, and the right of any Individual to their use, set out in writing and witnessed. Ecology is the global system that provides our planetary domicile, offers fortune, and requires replenishment.

Skidegate Village administers the World according to the law set down by the Empire. Law is agreed to by Hereditary Governments, and duly Elected Governments, and affirmed by the Empress. Hereditary Government is the Matriarchy, with Title following the female lines.

The Canadian Land Title system provides for Aboriginal Titles and Indian Family rights in their indigenous and traditional land to be affirmed and recognized directly, without interference of a Band, or of the State. This Constitution authorizes Individuals to form Imperial Rights to lands by agreement with the registered landholders, to own the lands together in the Empire and to govern the lands and the world by Imperial law, under this Constitution.

Skidegate Land Title System requires present fee simple titleholders to follow the Constitution and recognize and affirm Indian Title, by endorsing their certificates of land title with the Title of the Indian Owner of their land, and with Skidegate’s Key to the Global Village. Registration and Membership in Skidegate increase local rights by adding international rights to National rights, with no alteration in National rights. Village Members hold Imperial Prerogatives over others in virtue of higher usage of ecology, subject to contract.

Colonial Representatives have time to recognize Skidegate and adjust to the Upper Chamber of the Hereditary Matriarchy, provided clear signals that Survivors and victims are receiving justice and being treated with dignity The Church most close and be disbanded. There is no need for imaginary authorities when truth is rigid enough. There is no excuse for visiting old men in side-rooms between the Hearth and Potlatch.

The task of replenishing Earth requires every hand so none is beyond redemption in the Empire, and all are called. Skidegate recognizes where we are and where we must head but to get there from here takes us all.

This is a Constitution of Conscience, authored out of conscience and depending on conscience for its reception and application.


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ya'altl', yelu, liar

eagles gather ovoids rather

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Saturday, September 15, 2007

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Hereditary Title Jaat Kas Andl Ins

After 1233 AD., and before 1774, the Heir of XziXzia landed on Naiquoon to windrows of all the seafood the straits could deliver in the same storm. Jaat Kas Andl Ins owns the Peak of the House, the beach where the Potlatch originated as the natural ecology of the universe. Agnes Russ was born in 1858, going home in 1964. This Family of Eagles is the line of Eve's Sister that retained Matriarchy and owns the Title abandoned when Eve and Adam left Eden. Skidegate's Empire is the eternal Heavenly home of Good Souls. Potlatch gives food to strangers in order to join blood as one, so no one has to take any stranger's blood, but only offer to share. Hunzii Adawk, Ayoak.

The Church and the Colonial regimes up to the present owe recognition and affirmation to Our Family and to our Imperial Title. This pronouncement gives notice of the sovereign desire to Potlatch before, during and after the coming games and other activities. This general demand is specific to Premier Campbell, and to the Olympic Organizers.

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

पोवेरे ऑफ़ Food

फ़ूड पॉवर
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Kgelatl, Infinity, Soul, & Skidegate
Integral Religion, or Monism, recognizes the parts of Infinity and of Heaven, that in the Earth's Story of Humankind, are concealed in the dynamics of Infinity and the impossible, as Nature releases unity into multiplicity, settling Light and darkness together in the evening and the morning, in Ovoid form, giving feeling to Life. The Totem Poles, the Pyramids, the Monoliths at Stonehenge, the Imperial and the Emerald Cities, even the edifice and community of the Church, and this Internet, are paragraphs and punctuation marks wordlessly attesting to the creative intelligence of the fundamental units of ecology, with or without Human involvement. Ecology provides the stage on which the eternal drama plays, when eternity is the time it takes for tomorrow to come. Life is lived in a Canoe that we paddle among the Stars, keeping one eye on the Sun, the other on the Moon. The error of the paternity is alienation from the ovoid, from the womb, from the silence of Infinity and the Limque of the sunlight, from the peaceful knowing that is female; males are Spirit intolerant. The lost Ark is in Skidegate's Canoe, moving with the Stars and the Moon and the Sun, over the tides and into rivermouths, to wait for Salmon. In their quest for peace others turn to beliefs in Jesus or Mahomet, or in a future Messiah, building Altars that shed rain for a while, but always crumble on their waiting flocks. Belief in the Great Blue Sky and trust in the deep green Ocean assure Skidegate of dinner and of visitors with more need of Seagulls than of priests or kings without a story or a song. Governments owe Skidegate more than their worth and must submit to our Imperial authority. The Lies of the Church and deceit of those we elected, disqualify the claims of white people that they are superior or better; they are not and must admit fault and comply with all the world's people.
All of the pomp and circumstance of Legislatures is offensive when the Church is guilty. It is enabling the inevitable collapse of the world community both economically and socially to pretend that there is some inherent virtue in people or in the democratic process that can respond to the predominant corruption. The fact is made obvious by transferring authority to chief and Judge Steven Point; there is no basis for the Provinces and the Federal Administrations forging Treaties with Bands. Bands are not viable ecological bodies and have no authority to delegate, that protects their lives; Indians are on their own except for electing politicians. These governments are trying to forge Title without giving recognition to the Title holding Families. To correct this they must concede and surrender to Skidegate. There must be focussed action on the problems of Industrial culture and the low Ecological intelligence of the global population. Indians are seriously exposed should the southern infrastructure collapse. Children need to be taught the connection of their acts to the health of the Planet. The example of the Office of a Lieutenant Governor proves Skidegate's contention: on her Webpage Iona Campagnolo describes her contribution to the Office as a new hat, jacket, and pants, while on her throne she governs over the church that sexually assaulted Indian children, initials the entrenchment of Indians into the new Corporate Band Councils, while every problem of the 1970's has grown into a calamity; Iona is the Bitch Bush of Indian History. Skidegate resents saying it because it is the place of others to speak up for themselves or on behalf of others, while Skidegate moves forward with Potlatch. Skidegate and Campagnolo have the history she claims but neglects to add that her response to Skidegate in 1982 when advised of Potlatch, was that Skidegate should journey to the East.
Now she is gone.
Any Office and any person accepting office, must have a good purpose and Skidegate's purpose is to domicile the Planet, to create a global Village with good people able to produce bountiful harvests for others, and eager to share life with others. The attitude of the Colony to Skidegate and to Potlatch is hostile until otherwise indicated and announced to the people, not to the public as a public apart from these events but as people, Individuals whose lives are also altered by the lies of Campagnolo and the Church. Skidegate is real and mentioned by this Woman, but only as a decoration on her jacket, along with all the ethnics fooled into trusting this Colony. Potlatch operates within powers that take on identities, like the Land Claim, like Ecology, like wars and like the Olympic Games. Potlatch expresses the area of interaction between the feelings of souls living and departed, bringing out along with food, what Ecology requires done by those with Titles. Potlatch continues while governing Parties come and go; Potlatch has the more democratic quality along with Personification in many generations.

XziXzia, daughter of Jaat Kas'andl'ins, Naiquoon Klayl' wai, Jaat Suong Linga, down to Jaat Agnes Russ born in 1858, went home in 1964, Hunzii Kaat, born to Debby in 1965, followed by Hunzii Nanaimo, in 1972, Weiwaikai in 1994, and Dotz Young in 2002: are the Haida Imperial Family, whose choice to build Skidegate united North and South. The North Beach inside Naikoon is the birthplace of Potlatch, the empowerment of Leaders through the ecology, through the most strategically advantageous sharing out of bounty among potential rivals. The straits of the Pacific between Alaska and Haida Gwaii regularly deliver at the tidemark high windrows of seafood. The solution of claiming it and giving it away to those who ate with the Title holder, ensured gratitude and became the wisdom of the coast. The Imperial Family is the one so doing and so it is a paradox to be Skidegate without being of Skidegate, not a Young, or another of the assembled Title holders, but from Alaska, or worse from Masset. The union of Kitanst, Amos Russ with Agnes, linked North Beach wealth with central Skidegate, without altering the northern balance of rights and powers, Agnes shared her portions of the extra food with the Village and it became possible to be grateful to each other, and then all decided to be known as Haida. It began like the words Church and Canada, or School and work, catching on through ecology, liable to fail the same way. The term Haida arrived with XziXzia, not as her Tribe but that of those who came ashore with her under her authority. Skidegate heard of Nuni Agnes Jaat Suong Linga from Deborah and didn't fully appreciate that her Nunii's House was Masset within Skidegate, claiming more than just the Haida supremacy, claiming some rival entitlement to that of the Older Ravens. The marriage of Albert Jones and Elizabeth Russ introduced two fresh Identities into Skidegate Village, the South and the North settled in the center on the channel between the two main Islands; as the couple entered their life, Potlatch left the world, but the cash economy is also a form of Potlatch so Imperial Skidegate is a compounded Family of the Ancient mixed with the less ancient and with the new. The Imperial Principle is a fact of reality and its utility is superior to that of the Colonial form, although the Institutional machinery of government will continue under Imperial authority until changes are indicated.

What more spiritual a process could the world ask for than to Potlatch, to repent of all worldly knowledge while learning ecology, and in the end earning the Title that eternity bestows upon each person. National fetishes cannot compare to the genuine feeling of saying to the self that each human believes they are, that its goodbye to all of that belief and to all of that identity; that the new world in the new age is now! This one-step conversion from human to divine is entirely discretional, with Potlatch underway, empowered by the transition, as holdouts try to maintain the machine, and hesitant converts hedge their worlds; ecology merges with courage and committment to entitle the worthy.

Potlatch asserts the obvious, that life is everywhere, and our pleasant Canoe journey needs some adjustment to ensure the safety of Passengers, Crew and Captain. Those crewmembers who tried to steer without Potlatch are suspended.

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Monday, September 10, 2007

Canoe Light & Beach

Major Policy directive to crew of Skidegate's Canoe issued in languages of Naikoon and Liberalism.

Skidegate abandons entire Republican model in North America, giving over to The Imperial system of the Potlatch with land titles incorporated together, the resident and Indian title on the same certificate, along with Imperial, hence Planetary title, filling all of the claims to lands open on the Planet, beginning within Canada, providing the Model for Imperial Potlatch worldwide. This is an altar call to evacuate the pews and paddle your canoes to ______________ .

Imperial Law prescribes that people aspire to the belief that best prepares them to prosper in Skidegate's Empire. +


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Saturday, September 8, 2007

Put Pro in Protest & Potlatch

नाजी रेगीमेस ओप्पोसे इंडियन टाइटल विथ पोत्लात्च कस्टम्स restored

Protest Strategy overplays ecological benefits, and becomes another plank in the Liberal claim to be democratic; quanta gives way to quality in life. Speaking for our Family, Skidegate Village believes in feeding those who visit our home, and deplore images of purported leaders skulking behind barricades, so yes Protest is a significant tactic but when it lacks positive ideas, or appears form a religion where certain social dynamics prompt attendant fetishes, drama to provoke feelings relying on Rome-vs-Christians dialectics; public protest as a civil action is based on the rights and claims derived from the Revolutionary Republican Patriarchy that turned away from the British Monarchy, but the earlist Revolutionaries who raised banners for common laws among the classes and the races, were Buddhist Monks. Buddha laid the ground for Communism, for Liberalism, indeed for the Christian Church. Forget Trotsky and Lenin, close your Marx and Engels, go back to Sun Tzu and the Monk movements that liberalized Old China when the War Lords and Mandarins tolerated no protest. Ghandi later resorted to Satyagraha, spirit-force, to drive the British from India; Spirit is absent from modern Protest for the same reason that it is a non-starter in the Establishment, Church being a mere pacifier to people sated on cream. Struggle can't be faked, there must be stakes and a real prize, and this invites suspicion that demonstrations are choreographed and mere maudlin skits of what their organizers think protest would look like if it were genuine. Wihout these skirmishes what would the media do? What message would emerge? Ecological? There is the Spectre over the Banks. Ecology, and ecology that rewards her warriors, will overthrow the boys.

You must first have enough belief in common with your enemies to be able to contend with them; unless the world learns about any differences, the audience is left without any feeling, and becomes normalized by the violence. You have a losing mentality when you continue to mimic earlier behaviour since the gains won then are generally enjoyed by your market audience. The only vacancy open to postmodern revolution is in the Imperial Palace: we first take the Planet, then the street corners. Pose the following scenarios in which the Nation States subject themselves to serious discussion on how to concede sovereign power:

A. Incapacity to deliver services; services delivered by better ecology; redundancy.

B. people present petition supported by global paradigm.

C. police and armies cross the bar. Judges adopt Global laws; people domicile themselves

Only an Idea and an Identity have power to bring change in all these scenarios, while current programs of Protesting display neither, and must depend on negative vilification based on stereotypes that alienate the population even further; the media ends up able to edit the message to suit their own agenda as well. But meanwhile, Global politics suddenly fit inside the computer monitor, so the open channel to the Global consciousness now exists which cannot be regulated - this is the new wild west.

Potlatch opposes the Status quo at the level of reality, challenging the church to defend Nazi Liberalism, which is what these faux-democracies are, the axis at bigger tables. Skidegate brings Individualism and Community to an ecological Imperialism of the world People. In two words the Idea and the Identity of the future is launched. Skidegate Village is the higher paradigm inhabited by the Planet's 'higher power.'

Sun Tzu teaches, love yourself as your enemy hates himself, while the heavens destroy his house around him.

Where is the beef in Protests?

Friday, September 7, 2007


There are levels of language that are pre-literal, even preconceptual, but they all have in common that they can be expressed by the computer. The computer is organized on two facts, the existence of one, and one's nonexistence, lights on or lights off, plugged in or plugged out; the question of what came before one can be answered in the mind but not in words. Words cannot identify facts because terms are compromises between meanings. Story cannot be told without predicates held in common by an audience. Law functions the same way and requires that the Church and the Colony actually submit to skidegate. The history demands it.

Kitsalano is part of the Khitay Empire; Skidegate is just one of the homes of the Imperial Family; Weiwaikai is Campbell River, where the Princess Queen was born to Nanaimo, who is the Haida daughter of Skidegate Sterritt. The Imperial Family of Asia is the Branch that follows Hagar of Egypt, and her son Ishmael, through to the Imperial city of Beijing, before yielding and eventually landing on Naikoon, as the Ancestress of Agnes Russ and Peter Kelly, of Elizabeth, Grace, Gertie, Louisa, of Berta, Mildred and Pauline, of Debbie, Denise, of Kaat, Christie, Leslie, Erika and Vanessa, in the direct line of the Matriarchy from XziXzia the good sister of Eve.

These are some of the facts and the myths of Potlatch. This is truth told from another side of the story, from the Yelu, or Yellow River side, where the Apache took refuge above the Skeena Canyons. This is Adawk and Ayoak recognizing and affirming Haida Potlatch Skidegate:

What have modern Herods to do with Potlatch that it had to be made illegal by the Parliament of Canada?

The Ark!

What other belief is held by both Christian Churches and the Haida Khitay and Apache, that was carried across the ages, and around the planet across both Oceans to settle in one Family, then into Tribes and is now found among the fiercest of all Haida? Potlatch cloned itself outward from the rich Skeena River Canyons, overland to the Naas, down the Skeena and along the coast, in such a way as to draw the Haisla to migrate north to Kitamaat, and some of the Salish to Nuxalk? And now after the Church confesses, the Colony persist in holding on to power, as if they have nothing to do with the harm inflicted by their industries and schools; it is time for right minded people to recognize the Potlatch. The Ark is the idea that identifies the truth, and truth is power. Potlatch is Institution, as the whole governing apparatus of the church is faux-institution, Potlatch intensely examines claims of title for Ecology before affirmation is offered. The Ovoid is the lily pad on the water with the flower in bloom.

In 1233 the Khitay Emperor Yelu Apache arrived from Asia, at the last Canyon on the River, at Kitsgagaas, and began building the Heavenly Family again, on the dry salmon, the gwalgwahon. When the Spanish landed around 1777, Khitay Kitsalano Potlatched, while Kaapalano asserted Salish Rights of the territory, and the English invaded by force, and by slow insinuation of the church culture of lying. Colonization demands two sets of liars, one acting as the Conqueror, the other liars act as the conqueror's Initiates, apprentices in conquest. This is Herod's syndrome seen in one-time Indian now Stalo Steven Point. Vancouver is on 'salish territory' that is within Skidegate's Imperial Potlatch, and the church is under judgement for evil done us, and for the wealth stolen. Salish will not shelter the guilty because Laax Sal ninst ninstints, is one of the ways more developed Individuals have of describing the oldest occupants of a location in general, while Imperial Titles are ecological elements in the consciousness of the Planet itself, artefacts born of immemorial drama, awarded in Potlatch to Souls best representative of the spirit, the heart, the Gaat, of the Planet, in this instance in Skidegate's Potlatch. It is interesting that Beijing and Vancouver are placed on the intersection of the arcs of the Olympics and of the Ecology and of Skidegate's Imperial claim; portentious indeed.

If putting Judge Steven Point in Government House is intended to be taken to mean that some Indian National authority validates the Colony, then the Stalo and Salish must remain silent while the Survivors of the same Colony await their payments from the Church. Why reward the Stalo, Salish, in this way? The Salish are the descendants of the ancient inhabitants of this territory, as we claim, however all Title is subject to the higher Ecology of the coast and of the Planet, and the highest power will determine what lessers souls cannot. Skidegate urges the immediate recognition of Potlatch by the governments of the City, the Province, and the State of Canada. The Bands have little to say about this, except through their Titled Leader. Ecology limits the voices able to be heard and only Skidegate is able to hear everyone, so Potlatch requires the end of the Colony immediately. The Torrens system of surveyed Land lacks certainty without Imperial title and treaty only rents authority until economic factors prevail over the Liberalist model being attempted in the Treaty process. Mr Point will talk after the winds blow his way and the great game is lost by the fools, again.

This is certain and true and will be realised, being thought and said and written and being for the good of all life.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Integral Religion: personal and Global, not Liberal

Potlatch Applies Integral Religion, and Always did:

The Ken Wilbur Model is the basis for Integral Religion, which views reality as composing Holons within Holons. The Human System serves to resolve Infinity and the space-time-identity complex, in reference to belief systems that attempt to provide control of Ecology. Integral Religion says that all Human Belief systems are inherently flawed by their assumed perspectives, and Ken Wilbur's Quadrant Model demonstrates the structure and functionality of the belief of Integral Religion. A Religion is the part of culture which serves to impart Identity to the participants in reference to myth, creed and dogma, and since Integral Religion only considers the global and the Individual perspectives, within those two Ecologies a higher level and degree of Holism is assumed than the modern Religions, here counting Nation-state Liberalism as the religion of elitist Patriarchs holding power by force, along with the promise of offices. The Liberal ethic is definitionally global, part of what restored Aboriginal Rights and the indigenous ecology that is natural to given lands, but these Liberals have their own private agenda without any better story than their economics allows. At the same time as Liberals claim the Planet for their legal system, they become ethically bound to honour native title and law, which Canada does in Section 35, Constitution Act, 1982, except that Iona Campagnolo's breed of politician is immoral and unethical. The Integral Quadrants of real ecology don't apply to 'provinces' or Nations, only to the Planet in Her Global dimensions and consciousness. The utility of Integral Religion consists of demonstrating the most ecological model of life and then in helping to map courses between National Liberalism and a new form of Global Individualism, prescribed by an ideal ecological personality such as the individual Family Member engaged in Potlatch. Liberal Common law policy forbids forcible occupation of native lands contrary to the wish of the Indigenous occupants, and sees Treaty as the best device for the continuation of the Colonial agenda, while Aboriginal People takes definition from the Indian Village, the seat of Potlatch. In Canada's case, since Canada is founded on the Recognition of Indian Title, it is meant the Title and claims of Skidegate as asserted on record by James Russell Sterritt, that make Skidegate the Last Indian of them all, and the First Haida, back in Potlatch! And since Potlatch defeated the Church and claims all land for Haida under the Imperial Title of Ishmael, Skidegate's words and actions constitute Global Law.

The primary assumption of Potlatch is Matriarchy. The sinless Sister of Eve, XziXzia, Empress of Potlatch and Skidegate, the Prince, whose mission is to Potlatch the World and change it back from Church to Potlatch, involving the diametrically opposite paradigm shift of closing the Church and Potlatching. Liberal Nationalist dogma and Industrial Ecology concede to the new criteria inherent in the Legal Model shaped by ownership by the natural Imperial Family, of the Planetary Title. Creation creates through the family, not by the State, so the state must respond to the family before all else, not as parent or vicarious representative, but as instrument of the Family Ecology. The cross of the Wilbur's Quadrants opposes the Individual and the physical universe, while the body is in intuitive opposition to the community. Each individual depends on the Planet for existence, just as every community is composed of individual members bonded together by needs and wants, but Creation prevails in the choice of Family, Skidegate is the chosen. With Humans at the pinnacle of the conscious realm our discretion exposes our choices to ethical issues that have already resulted in claims of injustice by victims of wrong legislation and rulings that exposed children to inept caregivers, but now the fruit of that generational tort threatens to come home forever. Advancing to a higher paradigm helps the necessary transition from a culpable to a healing belief system. The Church opens its chronicle with the admission that theirs is the story of intransigent people, seeking the gateway to their lost paradise.

Potlatch is the door they closed themselves, that remains open.

When the invaded Indians related the surface of the world to their own skins, with the inner mind the reflection of the Global Mind, and with Potlatch the Mouth where the Infinite and Earthly communicate, eating and discussing and giving proclamations, the ecology was the first concern of all discussion. Tsalmkgekaat invited the world to feast together until the Church imposed itself and its Ecology to general detriment, leaving the world population with immense potential power to succeed or to fail, depending on correcting the damage and harm done by the Church in the shortest time span possible because modern consciousness is becoming increasingly more toxic to life, at an accellerating pace. Potlatch is the natural alternative paradigm to the Church, not an opposite but its conqueror in the battle of good and evil.
Skidegate's truth started high school in Vancouver and Kindergarten in Skidegate Village; liberal truth is still negotiating.

It takes an Ecology Quotient of 1 to close the Church, leaving 99 points to learn about Potlatch, starting with the Cross of Quadrants:

upper left, interior individual upper right, exterior individual
vision logic imaginary
formal operative complex neocortex
concrete oper neocortex
symbolic limbic system
emotion reptilian brain
impulse neural cord
perception neuronal organisms
sensation eukaryotes
irritability elements
prehension atoms

LARGE & small Infinity
intersect in the soul of Humankind

physical galaxies
pleromatic planets
plant, protoplasm Gaia system
locomotive heteroetrophic ecology
uroboric societies dividing labour
typhonic groups, families
archaic tribes
magical tribal villages
mythic early empires
rational nation-state
centauric planetary
lower left,interior collective lower right, exterior collective
cultural social
[see p.74, KW1996, Shambala]

revealing that personal identity is actually three parts personal and a fourth part that is ecological, all within the fifth dimension of Infinity, the ecological parts being expressions of Spiritual and Communal energies, Ovoid, holding control of power within codes of morals and ethics honoured in their keeping over generations, fearsome if not kept, from which the Churches appropriated the Indian potlatch. Modern EQ runs in the negative, but can move to 50 and place a hold on unnecessary industry simply on hearing that Potlatch is an opportunity to envision and then become one's own hero in a world needing many. Potlatch declares that the Planet is free to those who Potlatch. The meaning of Skidegate and of Potlatch remain in the future of others as and when they Potlatch, when they declare their Title back to the Heavens, which every soul will. Each response will be ecological when it is felt and the Planet confirms your Identity. Integral Religion is private, personal and imperial, meant to awaken the Creator in each soul. Skidegate and Potlatch provide personal touchstones to ground members to the comtemporary reality with its threat of multiple crises, while wading forward into the new paradigm of Potlatch. Skidegate is not distinct from Olympus, or Stonehenge, or Giza, all being the same manifestation of Spirit within the life of the Family of Families, each initiative of their golden age.

Potlatch WYSIWYG, while the Church, and its step-child the Liberal, only represent you to their Monarch whose command must be obeyed. Its all third party. Potlatch is direct, first and second person singular, with all pluralities subject to proven Ecology. Titles originate Ecology, being the retainer of history available to empower ecology. The grounding of the Social personality distributes the power of the planet to the Individual and the cultural complex supporting the Individual, not to the Institutional or the Corporate, as the Colony intends. The Colony produces Cultural Idiot Savants, parody of right behaviour without a moral claim beyond their surface image. I.E. Iona Campagnolo. Skidegate, James Serritt, is the record against the Colony.

Next Comment: Village Order Gives Domicile & Right of Way

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Bedbug Pestilence

Bedbug battle winnable with attitude, tools and determination. Their culture is organized around a central female who is guaranteed her blood, directly or by raiding the other bugs, which raid the smaller ones WHO SOMEHOW WILL GET YOU; its all held in ovoid by the mixed attractions of the female, the eggs, and the blood supply. the hatched bugs keep hidden until they can get past their older siblings and spread out in search of their own host. This keeps numbers in check within a room, but places pressure on surroundings and visitors are transports to a new dynasty.
The vulnerable point in the culture is the central nest, which was destroyed when DDT was concentrated by the parasitic ecology, and built up in the Matriarch. A prey spider or some bedbug specific poison with the same track as DDT, would help defray incidental invasions. The prolonged expedition remains the most effective action and with a system, the right tools, and constant vigilence, more nights sleep can be had than lost, and the lost hours can be endured reviewing the strategy for defeating them.
The weapon of choice is the hairdryer, doubling as soother of the itch, it penetrates and drives out or incinerates. This is a serious problem that must be dealt with soberly and steadfastly, however you might as well laugh along with it because there you are, bitten by a pestilence. there are two responses to the bite in the night, as much light as fast as you can and chase close to the itch first but cover area fast, open folds, and kill on sight; if the swift search yields nothing relax and reflect on the bug's evidence; while searching turn the hairdryer onto the welt of the bite until the core burns unbearably, after that the itch is gone and you may sleep without scratching the skin open and getting other infections. Next day search again and if no luck you offer bait as far from the other bite as you can, so the bug has to cover more ground. Pounce when the itch wakes you up, but follow the track back toward the first night's bite and you'll close in on it. Number of bites and size of welt describe a solo bandit or a colony, with one bite the only good news coming, because catch it and defend your space and you should never be bitten again. More bites and tiny bites in bunches mean the Matriarch and her army are entrenched and must be cast out, all the furniture, or clean everything with heat, and powders, and solvents, and always kept crevices closed to further infestations. Use Vaseline and toothpaste, or tapes, but seal all cracks to expose the enemy.
These creatures are quite sensible about their business, reacting to resistance with stealth and guile, as the Matriarch who chooses to go have blood and have take-out, keeping the best nest and eating her worst children. Chasing males away to eat or be captured, eating female rivals. Skidegate can't help seeing the similarity with human Colonialism. Unhappily for you there are some whose regimen allows them to sleep through dinner and a colony will exist without a murmur from the bed across the way. You will be raided and catch a few but the nest can out wait you, using the fleets of baby bugs and juvenile bugs to nourish the Queen; she takes your blood without venturing out of her bed. NOW THAT'S A BEDBUG!
Good night, sleep tight , don't let the bedbugs beat you.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Ken Wilbur one fact short

Encyclopediatic Ken Wilbur almost has the Universe figured out. His Brief History of Everything only overlooked the role of beauty in the definitive experience of intelligence, understandable since we each write our own story. Creation is defined by the Skidegate that the Church tried to wipe out of history with their Christian Genocide. It is all true the way Wilbur explains it in his books and elsewhere, with the exception that the truth underlaying life is the story of one Family. Lacking that constant theme of history and neglecting to observe that the Adawk personifies itself, Ken Wilbur fell one fact short of the full truth, but what a fact. The whole anomie afflicting our species throughout history rests on the chasm of thought between knowing our identity and not knowing whether an Identity even exists. Wilbur stumbles twice when this obvious device is not set apart from the rest of the information compiled in his books, when he misses the even more obvious dramatic twist that only by recognizing ourselves in a coherent story can we ever be identified and thus become healthy and happy. The fly in that ointment is the usual attachment to the story of death.

Here's how Everything explains itself: dualism separates mind and body as concepts when they are a unity, along with being a unity with everything from small to large Infinity. Science achieves unity of thought by observing surfaces and ignoring Spirit. Spirit is the source of Identity and follows Ecology so Industrial culture only offers identity to the surface of the person, which is fickle and unethical. The ecology of consumption provides no means of connecting the society to its sustenance and it fails. There is a definite formula and model that displays Human Culture but without the touchstone of a common unifying drama, Wilbur isn't able to project himself forward into global circumstances in which his discoveries are pertinent.
Skidegate's Potlatch sees Wilbur's model and system as the design of the Hal'tl, as a computer program designed to represent normalcy for an individuals ideal and actual identities, with projections to guide that person toward their Soul. Hal'tl is Skidegate for Health and the Ovoid culture retains the center, so the program follows Adawk and Ayoak in Potlatch. The power of the process is proportionate to the role lived by each person in the Adawk. Skidegate is amused by the resemblance to Hal in the movie, and urges others to compare their story to Skidegate's.

Skidegate seeks programmer to convert written system.

स्किदेगते पोत्लात्च- Skidegate's Potlatch Ken's low

Political Ethics Lesson:

POTLATCH of kenlow the lion[?]:

Thank you Mr low for writing the email copied back to Skidegate's Potlatch:

thx for recognizing and affirming our Haida, Kitksan, Kwakwa'lth, Salish, Dene, Apache, Indian, and other Royal Titles, and for taking notice of our Imperial claims while we shared our food with you and you walked and worked on our lands; when all the people ate together we both saw them with the same eyes but with different 'Gawds' or hearts. We saw no evidence of truth and your own words are lies already, so you will be interested in the Title we have bestowed upon you as you asked Skidegate to do: your title is 'lying,' or Yel'tl, based on identification you provided to us in the kgelatl, the three times that our eyes observed what you are.

This is memorial of your Potlatch:

ethics: science of the ideal human character; moral principles, quality or practice.

ethical: the treating of moral feelings, or choice of a course of conduct, by a person who can benefit from the support of others, or by respecting another's right, particularly when the right is enshrined in the Constitution which the offending person aspires to serve. It is unethical to do otherwise.

An ethic is a perfection of interpersonal behaviour based on duty or rules which each party in a relationship imposes on themself, such as to 'recognize and affirm' our Titles and claims, so when one in your position claims, or aspires, to represent others, as would their elected candidate for office, or any candidate in an election for office, when the office sought would be bound by a Consititution requiring the said duty to 'recognize and affirm the Titles and the rights of those represented. We asked you to obey the law, which any honest and respectful person is expected to do, which you are obligated to do whether you are elected or not; but you just want to get elected and go elsewhere to send this kind of an email to those who support you and to those who vote for you, and to those who don't vote for you. If you don't respect us now or believe us, or if you want to replace our Constitution with one of your own, then your ethical duty is to say so, and not just say what pleases you and protects you from taking responsibility for your words. The Ovoid of our culture has power to expose you for what you fail to say, and you failed to say how much you like our food and how much you like walking on our land and how much you like working for the city on our land. What do you thank us for in your email when we gave all we could?

In our case kenlow, our duty is to Potlatch, and if you do not understand what that means, or might pretend that you did not hear us raise the matters of our Titles and claims, then it is our ethical duty to clarify the record and spell out the consequences of unethical conduct on your part. You are just one man in the crowd of souls we represent and serve.

Politicians being notorious liars and frauds, which you said yourself, we made it clear to you that we would not accept such conduct from you since one of your fellow liberals. the Lieutenant Governor, Iona Campagnolo, lied to us and is still defrauding us all the way back to 1974, and since you yourself announced that you intend to run an ethical campaign; we can only run an ethical Potlatch.

When we offered to share our 'Fish' with you and you failed to respond in an executive manner, we decided it would be a waste of a good fish. We still accepted your invitation to a BBQ where many weaknesses were apparent in your team and your presentation. We presented you with a valuable piece of art to establish our Title and to advance our claims against you. When you requested further involvement, we took the time to explain in emails what our terms are, providing you with our claim in writing, and then we attended the meeting you requested along with your Campaign Manager Herman Yan, Riding Chaiman William Chu, Supporter Terry Wong, [who we didn't meet at your hotdog meal] and yourself the Candidate [who nobody really met at your bbq], in which meeting we explained our position again and listened to your executives.

Herman's strategy for success is let people see you and read your information, and he requested our assistance in that and we agreed to provide it, but since you ignore our terms, and make no mention of our advice concerning your campaign, and you clearly have no idea yet of your identity, we doubt you and do not believe your words.

Obviously we would have helped in all the regular ways but we have no confidence that anyone will win this riding without a new message and a plan to settle our claims, which settlement will address the terrible problems in this riding, and we made that clear from the beginning. The probable result is that Libby will win again by default.

So kenlow, it is unethical conduct on your part to send the email copied below without any 'recognition or affirmation of our Titles and without agreeing to settle our claims'. Don't you agree that your email constitutes unethical conduct, since you know perfectly well what our terms are? Do you think not mentioning our position means we don't exist? Who would you have to be if you could demote us to mere supporters of a loser? Do you not recognize that is exactly the conduct we complained to you about? Do you expect to run your campaign that way and succeed? Your supporters should be embarrassed after you said right away in your speech at your BBQ that you wanted to hear from the voters and wouldn't be saying too much, but everyone could rely on your ethics! Liar.

kenlow, when the PA system didn't function for you at the BBQ, it signalled two problems in you and in your team so far: first, you all just tried to act as if it wasn't happening and tried to carry on; second, no one took charge of the malfunction. You embarrassed everybody. Your whole campaign so far, is compressed in that fuckup and you will be remembered for it unless you win: the day they count the votes and you lose, everyone will recall that clumsiness and say to their friends that they saw right away that you would lose. If you continue unprepared, if you cannot listen and hear and let people know that you listened to them and heard them, if you think you can suck voters in with such gross incompetence, if you think your record will elect you, then you are just arrogant for nothing and our first ethical obligation, not to you, but to ourselves and to the Indians and the poor and the sick, and to your beloved yuppy crowd as well, is to campaign against you.

Yes, we still Potlatch those who know what it means to be a Person. You like to think that what you have acheived so far in your career gives you your identity but you are about to find out that you have placed yourself in a trap. The trap is your own ego and when it snaps shut you will say, "who do I think I am?'

You are welcome for the gifts we gave you. We are even now, and there is no debt on either side. If luck would improve your ethics we would wish it on you however ethics are not improved by luck but by character. Think about your character and place yourself in our position: would you support yourself if you were us? We sense that you don't know who we are. That is because, as we pointed out to you at STARBUCKS, we don't believe you have your identity yet. Recall that we suggested meeting at OVALTINE, and you declined and we came to yuppy-territory. How will you represent the poor and diseased and the lost at a $5.00 coffee shop? How many Indians did you see there?

Why didn't you refer to our interests and to the concept of Potlatch? When you campaign do you relate to the voting public as fools?

copy of kenlow email:


"Hi Jamie,

It was really nice chatting with you on Friday. And many thanks for your help in my campaign. Please keep in touch.


No respect to you from Skidegate's Potlatch or Village.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Democracy, Imperialism & Potlatch

Potlatch doesn't fit in the colony but democracy does, and Potlatch is Imperial by targetting global sovereignty. The Colony reduces elections to some present given to people, during a break in important matters. Potlatch is as constant as nature. Ecology drives society so why allow others to manage the Planet. The Internet makes the global Potlatch possible and essential.

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